The Center Ministries provides a faith-based response to the critical needs of communities of Liberty, Long and surrounding Georgia counties. We will offer a holistic approach to transformation specifically in the areas of the health and wellness, safe housing, education, and secure families. The Center is a ministry dedicated to being a safe space where anyone can come to realign with God, recalibrate their lives, and be restored along their spiritual journey.
The Center will serve as a spiritual hub for people from all walks of life to transform their lives and the lives of others through the love of Christ.
We will extend the practical and tangible love of Jesus by providing transformational programs that will raise the quality of life for those we serve. Some of the comprehensive programs we will offer include homeless prevention/emergency shelter/temporary housing services, a food pantry, a clothing closet, life coaching/counseling services/ mentoring, and a community & meditation garden. As the homeless and impoverished numbers grow, The Center Ministries seeks to provide an avenue and resources for these people to overcome barriers and change their socio-economic status. By casting a wide net, we hope to impact not only the coastal Georgia area, but the nation and the world. No one will be excluded from participation in our ministry. All are welcome. As people come in, they should leave with a renewed sense of purpose, healing, and strength to help others gain the same.
Why is The Center Ministries important?
Because handing out pantry items and meat is what DELIVERANCE looks like for the hungry!
We feed stomachs and souls.